My friends Kaitlin, KC, and I decided to have a fashion show of my
new missionary clothes, let me tell you...I am dead sexy!!!!
The beloved "Jody" dress...I know I broke down
10 reasons why I hate roommates and why I want to get married
1. Not rinsing your dishes.
2. Leaving the lights on.
3. Using Natalie, Laura, and mine’s milk.
4. Not locking the door.
5. Leaving the T.V. on so you can fall asleep.
6. When the dishwasher is empty, not loading it and letting it pile up and up!
7. Leaving sleds in the Living Room for a month and a half.
8. Being on the phone 24/7 with your boyfriend, including texting!
9. Putting things down the garbage disposal, that shouldn’t be down there.
10. Seeing your movies disappear.