August 31, 2008

It Finally Came!

So I got home from work on Friday August 29th at about 4:30 PM, checked the mail lo and behold the glorious white envelope had arrived!!! I really want to upload the video of me opening it, but can't quite figure out how to do so...anyway you probably want to know when and where; so after 3 long months

Drum roll please!

I have been called to The Chile Santiago West Mission!!! Where I will be speaking Spanish and I report to the Provo MTC on November 5th. I am so unbelievably excited....I am going to CHILE!!!!

August 4, 2008

Short or Long???

I need some help!
What do you think, I have been contemplating cutting my hair. I will probably regret it, I always do, but I really need some sort of change!!! So take the poll or leave your thoughts!!!

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August 1, 2008



So I need to vent!!!! I was scheduled from 2:30-9:00PM, I have been wanting this particular shift forever, but as soon as I got to work; they asked if I could stay till 11 (there goes my Friday night). So I said yes because I had just taken a week off, i just couldn't say no. That put me in a little bit of a pissy mood, but I just tried not to think about it. So in we had two big parties of 30 and 40, I felt like it was some of the server's first day, honestly. Guests were very cranky and the kitchen was very very rude, and just did not help the situation. All in all it was a pretty rough day, but was made better because of all the great people I work with (the non-mean one's)